Mini Telekung Jameela (White) is a premium women attire to perform solah, specially tailored for those performing their umrah/hajj,
Mini Telekung Jameela is only TOP of the telekung (without a pairing kain or bottom), the length is shorter than the normal telekung makes it easier for you to move around during ibadah umrah/hajj. Furthermore sisters usually pair this Mini Telekung Jameela with Jubah or Abaya underneath.
Why you need to own our premium quality Mini Telekung Jameela?
Happy performing your solat, sisters!
Let us wear our lovely telekung and perform a good solat with the utmost preoccupied state of mind.
Rasullullah Sallahu Alaihi Wassalam said: `If a man performs two rakaat of Solat without the distraction of any worldly thought, all his previous sins will be forgiven.' (Sahih Bukhari)